What are the Health Benefits of Greek Mediterranean Food?

October 11, 2022 at 4:00 PM
authentic-greek-mediterranean food

Greek Mediterranean food has been cherished for centuries, and with good reason. Not only are they savory and delicious but they can also provide a number of health benefits.

Let’s explore the benefits of a Greek Mediterranean diet and how it can promote better health.

1. May Lower the Danger of Heart Disease

Heart disease is a significant problem in our society today, and anything we can do to help reduce the risk is worth looking into. Greek Mediterranean foods may help. According to a study by The New England Journal of Medicine, this diet can lower the risk of heart disease by 30%.

This diet is so good for the heart because it's high in healthy fats, like olive oil, and low in saturated fats. It also contains a lot of whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies. Plus, it emphasizes eating fish as the primary protein source. All of these factors work together to keep the heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. May Help Lower Blood

Mediterranean diet typically includes more fruits, vegetables, and fish and less meat and dairy. Studies have found that this diet is linked with lower blood pressure, a notable risk factor for heart disease. The University of South Australia and the University of Maine stated that eating food similar to the Mediterranean diet was as effective as blood pressure-lowering medications in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease deaths, heart attacks, and strokes.

Here at The Black Olive, our menu is packed full of these essential food staples. What's more, we have an excellent wine list, so the next time you want to drink moderate amounts of alcohol from red wine, you can do so while reaping this health benefit of the Mediterranean diet.

3. Improves Brain Function

While Greek Mediterranean cuisine is widely known for its heart-healthy benefits, it's also good for the brain. The National Library of Medicine suggests this diet may help improve brain function and reduce the risk of dementia.

Antioxidants are abundant in the Mediterranean diet. These have been shown to protect the brain from damage, including healthy fats, like olive oil, all essential for brain health. In addition, the fish in this diet provides good omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with improved cognitive performance and a lower risk of Alzheimer's illness.

4. May Help Reduce Women's Risk of Stroke

People, most likely women, who ate a diet high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil, nuts, and fish had a much lower risk of suffering from a stroke than those who didn't, according to a study. It is believed that this healthy diet helps reduce inflammation, which is a substantial risk factor for stroke.

Additionally, the healthy fats in this diet help keep the blood vessels functioning correctly, reducing the risk of stroke. It's also worth noting that this diet is low in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can help to keep insulin levels in check.

5. May Support Weight Loss & Maintenance

Mediterranean food is not a fad diet. It is also not a quick fix for weight loss. It's a sustainable, long-term way of eating that can eventually help you lose weight and keep it off.

This diet has lots of fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied after meals. It also includes healthy fats that help promote satiety. Plus, the lean protein found in this diet helps to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. The vegetables and fruits in this diet are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support good health.

Make a Reservation at The Black Olive

The next time you're looking for some fresh seafood while enjoying the health benefits of Greek Mediterranean food, The Black Olive is the place to be. We offer an extensive menu of delicious seafood dishes and a comprehensive, award-winning wine list that will satiate your palate while giving you the nourishment your body requires.

Make a reservation today or call +1 410-276-7141 to enjoy the best Greek Mediterranean food in town and experience its healthy goodness simultaneously!